Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gillette Visit

Here are some pictures from a trip to Gillette Stadium to view as a prom venue:


tory c said...

Gillette was ok, we should def look at some other places too!

And if we do have our prom there we will have to do something with the chairs....i didnt like them. Maroon chairs dont go with purple and white! But it was pretty cool (:

Rob S. said...

gillette was pretty cool..yea the chairs would definetly need to be decorated...we need to pimp out that room with all purple and white decorations!!

Anonymous said...

gillette was okay when we went and saw it, but it wasn't decorated so obviously it didn't look spectacular, like it will when we have prom there....if we have junior prom there....

Rob S. said...

thers more pics on the way...

tory c said...

hey rob, we should start collecting dues at like lunches... a lot of ppl have been asking me when and where we are collecting them

Rob S. said...

yo...we have to find out how we cash the asking last yrs. advisors...we will be collecting soon...need 2 before snowball

Anonymous said...

Are you guys remembering this is the senior prom you are planning also. A senior prom is a big deal, are you checking into all possibilities that are out there??

Have you seen this room decorated for a big function? Right now it just looks like a big old room where it's nothing spectacular??

Anonymous said...

yah we're going to and its also OUR prom, so obv we want it to be good!