Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Delegate Criteria

Guidelines : Suggestions- following these will help you become a better Delegate.
1. Three Comments on the Blog per Term : Read the blog regularly, this is where sign-ups will be from now on. If you have forgotten anything, all important information will be posted on the blog.
2. Three Hours of Community Service per Semester : These can be completed by volunteering to do something for our class (i.e. selling at the Bake Sale), or volunteering for another club, organization or charity
3. Don’t Miss More than Three Meetings Unexcused : The more meetings you attend, the better off you’ll be in terms of keeping up; reasonable excuses include : sports, extra help, other meetings, doctor’s appointment, or absence from school
4. You Must do Everything You Sign-Up to Do : If you signed-up for something that you can’t do, tell us, we won’t be mad, we just need to know so we can plan accordingly- we are relying on you guys to follow your obligations, just like you’re relying on us to do ours
5. Join at Least Three Committees this Year : From now on, most of our meetings will be Committee Meetings, so joining committees will help you stay involved. Just remember not to take on more than you can handle (refer to Guideline # 4).
6. Respect Fellow Delegates at All Times : Disrespecting includes talking over each other, interrupting each other, bad-mouthing, etc., Don’t be a hater, Show us that you care.
7. No Delegate Will Ever Receive Preferential Treatment : If you feel that a Delegate is being treated differently, don’t hesitate to tell one of us.
8. Go the Extra Mile : Do something special, come up with an idea, chair a committee, stay after meetings, work hard on something you signed-up for, recruit new delegates (they are welcome at any meeting), find an empty niche and fill it; whatever you can do to help raise spirit and funds for our class.

Policies : These are Rules- following them will keep meetings short and allow officers to maintain sanity.
1. Raise your hand to talk, and refrain from conversation.
2. Don’t talk over each other.
3. Stay in seats, or at least be facing front, and please do not block fellow Delegates’ views.
4. No texting or irrelevant conversations during meetings.
5. You must do everything you sign-up to do.
6. Save ideas for the blog or our next meeting.
7. If you want to talk about something that does not appear on the Meeting Agenda, please wait until the ‘Ideas?’ part of the meeting to bring it up.
8. No Delegate will ever receive preferential treatment.

-if you repeatedly break any of the policies and/or interrupt meetings, you will be asked not to come back

-Leave a comment if you agree with the criteria, or tell us why you don't agree


tory c said...
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tory c said...

wow that was a really long comment...

Mike Barth said...

I think you've spent a lot of time thinking through some important issues for your delegates. It's important especially to strongly urge the community service piece. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. I'm just throwing this out there cause I've been there, done that kinda thing. I read your rules and guidlines, and I think you did a great job! I tried doing this last year when we were racking up the delegates, having meetings with 30 some people, and then having people not show up but still wanting a say. This did not work for us the slightest bit. The reason you are getting "delegates" is to raise spirit, make people LOVE 2011, and enjoy your class unity. By having an attendance policy and "kicking people off" will eventually lose all of your delegates, get no help from anyone, and screw yourself over in the end because no one will want to get involved. To Tory C, the sitting in a room quiet thing should not be a problem. You are 15-16 years old; if you want to REPRESENT your class, there's gonna have to actually be some ORDER.

The only reason I am telling you this is because we TRIED it. People threatened to quit. Do you want your delegates that you worked so hard for to just say they're done? This is all about the experience, and you do not want to take the experience away from them if they want to be active in other clubs in the school. (or even outside).

I like the three-committees a year rule, it works well for us. Also, the comments are good as is really not your first item on the agenda to check monthly comments. It's just going to push people away.

Okay, well that is all. Please take what I wrote into consideration. It's all just a suggestion; your class is your class, and however you guys want to run it is perfectly fine.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Kevin Fisher
JUN10R Class President!

Anonymous said...

i agree with tory c and kevin fisher. tory is right, rob never does anything but i do not believe that this is because he is undevoted or lazy but because some people will not let him take initiative. also, these rules are waaayyyy over the top. but, kevin is right, we do need some sort of order. rob needs to step up to the plate and lay down the law, so to speak, about how meetings should be run. but, rob should have some less intense rules than the ones the current criterion has.

Anonymous said...

this criterion is a bit extreme dont you think? i mean we wicked need some order during meetings but this is a bit.....drastic. maybe the officers, particularly our class prez, should take charge and stop all the wishy-washy activity that causes the meetings to take forever

tory c said...
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Anonymous said...

hey, maria, remember how i took those pictures for the blog and you asked me to send them to you? do you just want me to send them to rob? do u even check the comments that are left on the blog? nevermind dumb question obviously you check them if you want us to post here.....anyway you want me to send them to rob or no? o and ik this is a wicked weird question, but um, do u happen to know why you have to type those funny letters before posting? it doesn't really matter i was just wondering.
Anyone really do you know why???? i think its weird......

Anonymous said...

it's so computer-operated "things" don't post automatic messages. Only humans are posting.

Anonymous said...

We are not planning on kicking people off, and we don't have attendance as a policy, its a suggestion. the reason we have the rules we do is to make the meetings go faster and so we can get more done.

Anonymous said...
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tory c said...
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Anonymous said...

ummmmmm, how come me and tory are the only people who ever post anything???????????????

Anonymous said...

I agree with the criteria. I think if people are talking and texting throughout the meetings, we'll never get anything done. It's one thing if it's an emergency or something, but anything else can wait a half hour for the meeting to be over. I think anyone who is really dedicated to helping their class should have no problem following a few simple rules. It really all comes down to respect. If you don't have enough respect for our officers to follow a few rules that they set down in order to help keep the meetings orderly, then you shouldn't be at the meetings.

Anonymous said...

Of course we need rules but I think some here are extreme(kicking kids out)we need manpower. When STUCO came out with a long list of requirments like this i was turned off. My suggestion is keep the rules short and maybe have the delegates vote on them next meeting. If the rules are all agreed upon since the delegates and officers make them up together they are much more likely to be followed.