Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fundraising Ideas

The Officers need help deciding on ways the Sophomore class are going to raise funds next year. Post any ideas you have for items you would like to see sold or any unique fundraising events.

*There are still Norton Lancer Towels for sale. If interested visit Mrs. Iozzi. The price for a towel is $16.00. They make great graduation gifts for the Seniors leaving for college.


Rob S. said...

Mesh gyms shorts was a suggestion. If we went ahead and ordered the shorts, would they be unisex or would ther be certian shorts for different sexes. Post on what you think of the gym short idea.

Rob S. said...

I found a great website and the shorts are really cheap.

We could order some for guys and some for girls. Go to the website and tell me what you think.

Rob S. said...

i like mesh shorts better than towels

JUN10RS! said...

Hey guys, great idea. Sorry I'm nosy. BUT, you might wanna check with Student Council on the mesh gym shorts. I heard that they were possibly buying them, but if you're doing it for your class, then you're probably all set. From experience, I've learned it doesn't hurt to ask and make sure.